Nundah Men’s Shed

20 Years of social connection and working with their hands.

The Nundah Men’s Shed has become more than just a workshop; it’s a vital hub for connection, creativity, and community.

The Men’s Shed originally started as a space for men to come together. Today it welcomes everyone, fostering an inclusive environment where anyone can enjoy hands-on work, practical projects, and friendly conversations.


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The Shed offers members access to tools, materials, and most importantly, the opportunity to collaborate on a variety of meaningful projects.

The essence of the Nundah Men’s Shed is simple but powerful: it’s a place where people can work with their hands, learn new skills, and connect with others.

Members can assist to repair and construct project for the community. Whether it’s fixing furniture t o crafting toys, each project is a chance for members to be productive and contribute positively to the community.

Members also bring their own creative projects, allowing individuals to complete jobs, 
while honing practical skills
in woodworking and other
manual arts.


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More than just outcomes, the Shed is valued for its welcoming and supportive atmosphere. It’s a place where people can have a chat, be productive and feel included.

Social isolation is a challenge for many, especially in later life, and the Shed offers a warm, friendly environment that helps to bridge this gap.

The Nundah Men’s Shed is very close to full capacity but a few spaces are available at the time fo printing.

To get involved, contact  Brian Lowe on 0408 546 625 or pop in for morning tea at 9:30am on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday at 15 Jenner Street, Nundah.