Childrens’ stories inspired by real-life early childhood
Local author Lee Phethean has captured the hearts of children and families with his delightful children’s books, inspired by his own parenting journey. Drawing from real-life experiences with his two sons, Harris and Riley, Lee’s stories explore themes of separation anxiety, perseverance and sibling bonds.
His first book, The Koala That Couldn’t Sleep, took shape during sleepless nights with his firstborn. “Harris struggled to transition to a cot, and after a particularly long night, I wrote a poem about a koala that couldn’t sleep, just like him,” Lee shares. The story offers comfort to children navigating bedtime anxieties.
Lee’s second book, The Kangaroo That Couldn’t Jump, follows his younger son Riley’s determination to keep up with his older brother. “It’s a tale of patience and perseverance, showing kids that with time anything is possible,” says Lee.
The third book, The Possums That Could Fly, reflects sibling relationships, teaching the value of teamwork and looking out for each other.
For Lee, seeing children engage with his books is the ultimate reward. “At events like the Nundah Festival, kids read the books aloud, often giggling, and parents tell me they’re favourites at home.”
Self-publishing his books was a steep learning curve, but it inspired Lee to help others. Through his self-publishing service, he guides aspiring authors from manuscript to print.
Now, Lee is working on a new book inspired by his late father, exploring the humour and imagination of a child’s perspective on their dad’s job.
Lee’s books are available at bookstores, gift shops, and events across Australia. Learn more at